It is 12am and i keep on looking at my handphone , waiting for him to call and be the first one to wish me on my birthday. But all the waiting semua nya hancur as all the messages i get are not from him. i sign in my msn and yes, i can see he's online. i nudge him, message him but i do not get any response at all. the clock now is 12.45am and he's still doesn't wish me.
if you were me, what do u feel? you know, waiting for someone you love to be the first one to wish you on your birthday but now he ends up to be the last one.
only god knows.
I feel sad and mad at the same time, i grab my handphone and dial up his number. i know this is such a stupid move, but who cares. i just want to scream out loud and say how much i hate him.
He picks up the call, singing me the birthday song, but the only thing i can say is "WHAT THE FUCK?" the anger and the sadness are controlling the whole mind and body. i cant think wisely though i know this will ends up badly between us.
so, i end the call and immediately go to lynn's room. i cry and cry and cry. i hear my handphone rings and i know it is him. aidil asks me to answer. so i go out and talk and talk and talk.
he says he has his own reason bla bla bla. and heck i hate him because he knows how to make me smile and laugh again. he makes his stupid jokes that i cant handle myself to stop laughing. (i hate you for that) and i thank god, for saving my day.
I lay down on my bed and i still receive a lot of messages fom my friends (thank you sgt sgt) and sampai at one point, mabeb asks me to go down and meet him because he has something for me. I open my eyes and i can see amal is changing her clothes and
me: amal nak g mano?
amal: uhmm. nk g sahur.
me: okay, fieda nk turun bawoh jupo mabeb smeta.
amal : (dusssssssh, lesaaaaaaap)
so, i go down and meet mabeb. He smiles and gives me one purple paper bag(which he made himself) . surprise surprise surprise, there is one lovely top from zara inside it. i am so frigging happy with the present. how i wish i can hug him tight! (i love you my-so-called-gf).
tiba-tiba, amal appears behind me. she looks so panic and i automatically panic as well la kan. suddenly
i am stuck in one "smelly-square-shaped-blanket". i try to free myself but the "evil creatures" which are definitely EVIL do not want to let me go. I can feel they are trying to lift me up , but maybe i am too heavy for them,
and that they ask me to stand up and walk myself.
at the same time, i can hear mabeb's laughing like an insane people in tanjung rambutan. (kejam kejam)
dalam hati:
"what the hell is going on?!"
"where the hell are these crazy-ass creatures gonna throw me?"
"damn you damn you damn you, DAMMN YOUUU, you hear me!"
i sit "brutal-ly" in the car. the crazy-creatures cannot stand with the "super-brutal-tak-duduk-diam" of mine and so they yell at me to be quite. i am panic, i want to cry and how i wish i can be in my room now.
about 35 minutes later, the car stops. i can hear the creatures move out from the car. and one of the creatures which is definitely small and pendek try to grab me. I think of running away but i absolutely pity the small creature and so i willingly follow him/her/it out.
i walk and walk with the "smelly-square-shaped-blanket" covering me. i can hear people laughing and i can hear sumbang voices of cikdia, sha and sara.
i want to know what the fuck is going on,
i want to know where the hell i am,
and i want to get rid of the smelly blanket!!!
i walk
and walk
the creatures beside me slowly open the blanket that is covering me and....
Happy 19th birthday FIEDA! *kecak kecak* (camera sound)
I open my eyes and i can see everyone's laughing at me.
Le, di mcd rupanya.
all the people in the mcd pun gelak sekali. har har har, funny~
i am definitely happy with the so-called-surprise but but the sad thing is
RAMBUT SERABAI, MUKA PUCAT LESI AND i thank thank thank god for meeting mabeb before the "penculikansayyaf" or else ill be kidnapped dengan seluar-buruk-pendek and heck i will run back in a car by the time they open out the blanket.
but what ever it is, I LOVE YOU , KAU, HANG, KORANG!
oh next birthday girl , WAIT FOR MY REVENGE!
eeww u jht!!u pny ayt lg xbleyh blah dr aidil pny!!ahaks!
hepy burfday sweetheart! love u love u love u 9teen sweetie!hehe..
ohh fiedo dido !
hippy burfday dear ;)
best kan?
len kali bejage2
misi klorofom, ubat pelali n electric shock tidak dpt dilaksanakan..
seb baik u cool...kalu panik..
anyway..otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu
translate : hepi besday
another besday in mcd..
kalo x mcd, msti kat tasik utp tu..
xde ke yg nk buat kat salam ke,
ameeth ke~
hepy besday skali lagi..
owh, ni da kali ketiga i wish~
hehehe, happy birthday bebeh !
best nyaaa kene culik !
ouh hepi fieda fieda ^^
i was adopted on my bday too.
only worse, they adopted me from v5 cafe.
i can't see.
but i bet everyone can see me screaming for help.
so embrassing, i hope they cover me all enough so people won't recognise me.
trlmbt dh ke blom ni..
x kot..
wish je lah..
happy become 19 teen!
dari penulis blog ini
the blog
selamat hari jadi la cik.
MABEB dalam cerita kat atas gelut kaw2!!!
arijadi aku xpnah nk bg adiah..
aku yg da knal die 3 taun x bg..
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