Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bouncy bouncy

GOODBYE vector calculus.
so, 4 more to go !

but the saddest thing is that, everyone already left to irc but i am here in my room checking facebook and chatting.
oh yeah!

had a very painful period pain early in the morning and it stopped my "semangat" to study. damn.
it is NOT an excuse i made for not to study today, but shit happens right ?

And just now i was reading reader's digest and one of the articles mentioned about "BOUNCING BACK".
okay, it sounds kinda nerdy here, you know reading reader's digest tapi SEBENARNYA sangat best baca buku itu ye, rakan rakan. Banyak ilmu kita dapat. cewah.
okay, back to "BOUNCING BACK". In the article, the author describes lots of tips in getting back on track. U have to face failure in order to succeed. Tapi when i think it twice, I DON'T WANT TO FACE FAILURE. it scares the hell out of me. For examples, if we get a very low mark in test 1, the probability to get a higher mark in test 2 is very very high. So macam we have to get a low mark dulu la, then baru ada that semangat tinggi to improve ourselves. Macam tu ?

But that's life kan. We can set ahead but to achieve what we've planned earlier terserah pada DIA.

it is already 12.42pm and i haven't touch any of my notes yet. 4 more to go, 4 more to go, fieda!
have to stop myself from online-ing. okay okay, stop!

hadhadiehdaedaufdabcka.2143Y98y98y*()*Y)(.lalala, bla blaaa
blaa blaaa lalala yada yada yada.

see, my hands cant stop touching the keyboards.
okay hands, stop!

lepas ni, nak check emails, check pet society, check facebook, stalk gambar2 orang, and etc etc.

I just cant get away from this online-symptom, GRRRR!

Cakap pasal bounce back la sangat, tak menjadi pun. double GRRR!

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